Monthly Archives: October 2008

Flash Development is Hard

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan on full-Flash websites. They’re not very usable, search engines don’t really like them, and permalinks are near impossible. (There are a select few Flash sites that are just so cool that I can’t help but liking though.) However, there are some cases where Flash is a good idea. Streaming video is a good example. Animated, talking banners ads that fly across your screen are too. Then you have casual web games, and other things I’m sure.

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WordPress Post Thumbnails

Thumbnails can really liven up an otherwise plain list of posts, and add a bit of visual interest. By associating thumbnails with posts you gain a lot of flexibility that you would not have if you just relied on images in post excerpts. This…

Last Chance to Buy Revolution Premium WordPress Themes

Just a reminder, the Revolution premium WordPress themes will no longer be available for purchase as of midnight on October 31st. With the launch of the free Revolution Two themes (post coming soon!), the designer has decided to discontinue the old themes (which are…

H1 or H2? How to Handle Headers?

In (X)HTML, there are several levels of headings. You have h1, h2, h3, h4, and so on. The proper way to use them is in a structural manner, a post title having a lower number (e.g. h1) than subheaders in a posts content, which…

Moderate Comments With Adobe AIR

If your WordPress-based blog gets a lot of comments, it can be a pain to keep up on them. Approving/spamming comments is sadly something that has to be done frequently, otherwise the unmoderated comments tend to pile up. Let’s face it, if you run…

One Of My Favorite Things About The Internet

Do you know what one of my favorite parts of the internet is? It’s the community, and their willingness to help people out without anything in return. Sure, the web has it’s fair share of trolls and greedy corporate people, but overall you can…

What Would You Like to See in WP125?

The WP125 Ad Management Plugin has gained quite a sizeable following over the past few months, with nearly 4,000 downloads logged in WordPress/Extend as I write this. (Note that there were likely a lot of downloads before it was accepted into the repository.) Overall,…

BlogBuzz October 25, 2008

The WordPress 2.7 Admin

WordPress 2.7 will be here soon, the release only weeks away. In addition to long-awaited major features such as automatic core file updates, we’ll be seeing another major redesign on the Admin pages. The goal of the redesign is to improve usability, require less…

Web Designers on Twitter (Plus Links)

You may have already heard about this post, it’s been all over the web the past week. (I think I already linked to it in a BlogBuzz entry too possibly.) Digital Labz has put together a roundup of web designers’ Twitter profiles, making it…