4 Books For CSS Design

Do you want to learn how to design websites? The best way to learn is probably through books. With a book you don’t have to sit in front of a glowing screen, reading impatiently in “Internet Time” (where everything seems to go to slowly for your liking). You can, instead, read it at your own pace, and you will likely retain more of the information. Also, books will likely have more refined content, as they’ve been fine-tuned over the publication process.

So, without further ado, here are some books that I’ve found to be essential for learning CSS design.

  1. HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition - A great primer/reference for CSS and (X)HTML.
  2. The CSS Anthology – Learn how to make 2/3 column css layouts (fixed and liquid), style forms, create CSS rollovers, and more. The CSS Anthology covers “101 essential tips, tricks, and hacks” that anyone who works with CSS should know.
  3. How to Design and Build the Coolect Web Site in Cyberspace – Though it was written awhile back, when tabular designs were common, this book covers basic things that designers should know about. A great companion to Web Design Expert.
  4. Web Design Expert – In Web Design Expert, Nick Nettleton (author of How to Design and Build the Coolect Web Site in Cyberspace) teaches basic design methods, taking a more informational approach than the prior book, which walks you through creating a website.