2007: Best Blogs About Blogging

I’ve read a lot of blogs in 2007. More than any other year probably. 2007 is the year I really got into blogging, and discovered social media sites like Digg and StumbleUpon. As a result, my list of subscribed RSS feeds has exploded and evolved.

My favorite blogs are about blogging, web design, and really anything about the internet. I also read some non-tech blogs (e.g. Harry Potter / fantasy blogs), but not as many as internet-blogs.

So what blogs about blogging did I enjoy the most this year?

Keep up the good work, everyone!

  • http://bloggingbits.com Mohsin

    Thanks Matt. I didn’t know you liked Blogging Bits so much. :)

  • http://www.problogdesign.com/ Michael from Pro Blog Design

    Thanks for including me Matt. 2007 was my first blogging year as well, and I’ve learnt a lot (Mostly from the blogs you listed, and your own one!). :)

  • http://www.webmaster-source.com Matt

    Moshin, I read your blog a bit. I subscribe to the feed, and keep an eye out for attention-grabbing titles. You have some good posts there.

    Michael, Pro Blog Design is definitely one of my favorite blogs about blogging. You started it around the time I got serious about Webmaster-Source, and I’ve followed it for most of it’s lifespan so far. I like your informative posts, and the discussion they generate.

  • http://www.ruelicke.net/ Marco Ruelicke.net

    Matt, your list gave my RSS feed reader some food. Thanks! Now I “know” some more places to visit :)

    oh…and there is a broken link in the list, you wrote ttp instead of http for the link to Bloggingtips. …thought I let you know :)

    P.S.: NicEdit didn’t get my line breaks although it showed them…I added them thanks to the edit option, still, maybe you have a look at that…

  • http://www.webmaster-source.com Matt

    Okay, I fixed the broken link.

    I’m not sure if the vanishing line breaks happen all the time. I had the problem earlier, but everything was fine when posted another comment. It’s obviously serious a problem if it keeps happening, so I’ll keep an eye out.

  • http://www.ruelicke.net/ Marco Ruelicke.net

    for your interest: I wrote about that issue on the NicEdit forum, we’ll see if there is an easy fix or if it will be fixed with the next release.

    I’ll keep you informed :)

    P.S.:Just happened again, but it worked for me on my blog…