Akismet for SMF

My favorite software for creating forums is Simple Machines Forum, or SMF for short. It’s a free PHP forum script that I believe surpasses phpBB in quality and feature set (though I haven’t tried the latest phpBB version yet).

One problem, however, is spam. Virtually all forums are plagued by spam posts and user registrations, creating hours of tedious work for the administrators.

I just found an SMF mod that implements Akismet for the SMF system: SMF-Akismet.

If only I’d found it a year ago, when I really needed it!

I will take this opportunity to point you in the direction of the Akismet Development page. If you head over there, you can find libraries for PHP and other languages, as well as plugins for other CMS and forum scripts (like phpBB or Joomla). Akismet can be used nearly anywhere that comment spam is a problem.

  • http://www.yanix.net/ Ryan

    Hey Matt! Thanks for that post. I forgot to tell you but aswell as owning a couple of forums, I’m also working on a hosting company called “Yanix” and I’m gonna be creating a package so that people who haven’t got the technical knowledge to create forums, can purchase and I will setup an SMF or phpBB3 forum for them and help them install mods and stuff. I’ll definately recommend installing this mod to them. Thanks a lot!Ryan

  • http://www.nintendope.com Rob

    thanks for the information.  It was very useful.  My last comment posted before i could finsih it.  feel free to delete it.  Thanks again!

  • AltelayMearve

    This looks cool so far, what’s up people?
    If there’s anyone else here, let me know.
    Oh, and yes I’m a real person LOL.
