What’s Your Blogging Workstation?

Do you prefer to blog with a desktop, or a laptop? Are you a Mac or a PC? What software do you just have to have to get your blogging done? What’s your preferred browser?

Everyone has a unique setup that they use for blogging, unless they blog from libraries or internet cafes. A set of hardware and software that they are more comfortable working in, and using on a frequent basis.

My Current Setup

Computer: 13″ Black Apple MacBook. 2.4GHz Core Duo Processor, 2GB RAM, 250GB Hard Disk.

OS: Mac OS X 10.5

Browser: Mozilla Firefox…with a truckload of extensions.

Essential Software: TextWrangler, an FTP client, Firefox, the Spaz Twitter client, InstantShot.

Essential Webware: Google Apps (mail and calendar), MyNT, Del.icio.us, Google Analytics.

What’s your setup? Where do you like to blog? What software/hardware do you use? I’d like to know.

  • http://www.techadmire.com Siddharth

    I have both but due to fexibilty I preffer my laptop.

  • http://www.webmaster-source.com Matt

    @Siddharth I still have access to a desktop as well, but I’m mainly moving over to my new laptop. It is a bit more flexible. Would you care to elaborate a little more? What software do you use a lot? Is there anything else that really helps you blog (e.g. mp3 player)?

  • http://time-less-image.typepad.com/comics_legends_and_lore/ Jack

    Use desktop during day, laptop evening. Both 2 gigs RAM
    5 external hard drives 250 – 500 gigs each/ I’m a photographer Windows XP and Vista
    Software: Core FTP, Photoshop, Corel Painter, Typepad for blog, Microsoft Onenote (manage blog topics, best $ 75.00 invested), GoLive, Contribute, Microsoft Outlook
    Webware: Skype important with sales, google analytics, MIXX, Del.icio.us
    Music provide by Rhapsody
    Browser Explorer

  • http://www.blogdesignblog.com Vinh Le

    Computer: 15″Macbook Pro 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo Processor, 4GB RAM, 120GB internal HD. Plugged into a 26″ Hanns-G Monitor, with a 20″ monitor on the side. Two 500gb external HD.
    OS: Mac OS X 10.5
    Browser: Mozilla Firefox and Safari.

    Essential Software:  Transmit, Vienna,  Photoshop, Twhirl,Essential Webware: Google Analytics. Google blogsearch to keep up to date

  • http://www.webmaster-source.com Matt

    @Jack, that’s a lot of storage space. :D

    @Vinh Le, nice monitor setup.

    I haven’t needed to get any external HDs so far, with the spacious hard drive in my MacBook, and the equally sized disk in the desktop that used to be the main system I used. There is a backup drive though connected to the desktop, which I an sharing with the MacBook to backup my files now and then.