If you use Twitter, you probably use URL shortening services every day. If not, you probably still find a use for one now and then. You may shorten a long address down so you can read it over the phone (or in a podcast), or you might want to just take it down to size so it looks better in an email, blog comment or forum post.
What is your tool of choice? Are you one of the many Bit.ly users, a Tr.im fanatic, an Ow.ly devotee, or one of those still loyal to ye olde TinyURL? Maybe you use more than one?
Please take a minute to answer this poll. It would be interesting to see which services are more popular, and to learn of lesser-known ones.
What is your preferred URL shortener?
- Bit.ly (52%, 17 Votes)
- Other (Please leave a comment) (24%, 8 Votes)
- TinyURL.com (18%, 6 Votes)
- Ow.ly (15%, 5 Votes)
- Tr.im (12%, 4 Votes)
- Is.gd (9%, 3 Votes)
- Su.pr (6%, 2 Votes)
- 3.ly (3%, 1 Votes)
- Digg (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 33

(If you’re viewing this in an RSS reader, you may have to click through to the original article to vote.)