Yearly Archives: 2009

WordPress: Tweet Shortened URL of Current Page to Twitter

A month or two ago I had an interesting idea involving WordPress permalinks. I realized that is would be very simple to automatically shorten WordPress permalinks for usage on Twitter. With a little .htaccess tweak, you could have something like redirect to The default WordPress permalinks always work, and will forward to your preferred permalink. You end up with an easy way to have a short link for each of your posts, and it’s all self-contained within WordPress. No third-party services.

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What Automattic Can Do With

Automattic recently acquired from Yahoo, and now they are wondering what to do with it. (They’re asking for suggestions, too.) Yes it’s true, Automattic is now the proud owner of, which we acquired from our buddies over at Yahoo! We’ve been using…

Google Analytics API Launched

Google has launched an API for Google Analytics. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s a fairly large XML API (with OAuth and basic HTTP authentication support) that allows you to programmatically gain read-only access to virtually any data that the main Google Analytics…

Quotable Books

I recently built a fun little application for It is called Quotable Books.

BlogBuzz April 15, 2009

Nambu: Social Messaging Streamlined

Nambu Networks, the people behind and, recently released a beta of Nambu OS X, a new desktop Twitter client with an impressive feature set and a native integration with OS X. (I assume that a Windows version will be released eventually, judging…

Google Adds Ranking Data to Referrer String

Google has been rolling out changes to the way their referrer strings are structured. They are moving from a simple URL that shows the search query to a more complex one with some extra information that may be valuable. Starting this week, you may…

10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able To Do Once IE6 Is Dead

SitePoint is celebrating the fact that Internet Explorer 8 has been added to Windows’ automatic updater. This means that a lot more people will be upgrading. Home users are one of the biggest offenders when it comes to using outmoded browsers, and this should…

TweetStats: When Do You Tweet?

TweetStats is a semi-useful and interesting website that pulls information from Twitter via the API and generates graphs of your Twitter usage. Just enter your username and wait a moment or two while some numbers are crunched. You get a bar graph of the…

Add Power to Your PHP With Multi-Tiered Applications

Net.Tuts+ recently published an interesting article by Jason Lengstorf. It deals with the separation of PHP code into three tiers, database, processing, and display. (Much like the MVC approach to programming.) It might not be immediately obvious, but separating your applications into a tiered…