Design Spotlight: North X East (July 6, 2007)

Today’s highlighted design is….North X East. The owner of NxE, Collis Ta’eed, is obviously a designer. Take a look at the current design (as of July 6, 2007….who knows? It could change again. :) ). It’s not your ordinary blog design. It’s pretty unique. Then there was the old, design (which was really cool as well). Collis has even said “I admit I do tend to dislike my own old designs :) Actually you’ll laugh to hear that I’ve already started to dislike this one, but this time I’m going to ignore myself!”. That’s how I feel about my designs as well. I sort of….get bored with them after awhile. When you know how to design, you tend to want to design more often than you get a chance to, and you get tired of your blog’s same old design.

Back to the current North X East layout, look at it thoroughly. The first thing you notice is the thin header along the top, complete with a cool logo.

Moving down the design, you’ll notice that the most recent post is highlighted at the top, with less-recent posts’ titles below it. This is different from the traditional blog, as Collis has pointed out.

Well, take a look at the site, including the post pages. You won’t be disappointed.