There is no shortage of “premium” WordPress themes nowadays, and their creators are fairly large in number as well. You have the monumental WooThemes, the bargain ThemeForest, and DIYthemes, the people behind the ever-popular Thesis theme, to name just a few.
Companies aside, what criteria do you usually use when looking for a commercial theme? Is price the most important factor? Is support critical? Do you want the PSD files, so you can use the theme as a starting point for your own design?
Take a minute to answer the poll. You can choose as many responses as necessary.
What do you look for in a "premium" theme?
- The design! (90%, 9 Votes)
- A backend that allows the theme to be modified with little effort (80%, 8 Votes)
- A good starting point for a unique design (60%, 6 Votes)
- Low price (50%, 5 Votes)
- Good support (50%, 5 Votes)
- Obscurity, so few others are using the same theme as me (50%, 5 Votes)
- Original PSD files (50%, 5 Votes)
- Other (please describe) (10%, 1 Votes)
- A thriving community of customers (0%, 0 Votes)
- A "theme club" (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 10

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