Category Archives: General

Today’s Lesson: Maintain and Protect Your Blogging Workstation

A couple days ago, I missed a day blogging because I had to remove malware from a computer (not mine). Though it wasn’t the computer I use for my blogging, the main idea still stands: Maintain your computer, and take care to avoid having harm come to it, or you could spend a day (or a week) dealing with an issue.

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen the epic saga unfold: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12.

The malware that invaded the Dell laptop, which is mainly used by my parents, though my younger brother used it that day, is known as “VirusWebProtect2008.” It’s one of those “Smitfraud” faux antivirus software packages that installs itself via a compromised website, causes mayhem, and trys to sell you “antivirus software” that will supposedly remove the virus. Essentially it

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On Website Mergers

What’s with the merger mania? A lot of good websites have been acquired recently, and let’s not forget the infamous Microhoo… CNET was acquired by CBS, Ars Technica was absorbed by Condé Nast, owner of Reddit, Wired, and Webmonkey, and countless other web companies…

Tempus Fugit

Tempus Fugit, or “Time Flies” in Latin, is a very appropriate thing to say now. Lately, I’ve been busy. Since getting back from a bowling tournament out of town (don’t ask what my scores were…), I’ve been busier than ever. In addition to blogging…

The Open Share Icon Project

You’ve probably seen the “universal sharing” icon Alex King put together for Share This. Unfortunately, it’s now owned by the people behind, and has some slightly annoying terms attached to its use. Alex King’s Share Icon is “now wholly owned and trademarked by…

Traffic Sources: Where Are Your Visitors Coming From?

Check your blog’s statistics. Where are your visitors coming from? Are they mainly typing-in your blog’s URL, coming from search engine results pages (SERPs), or are they being referred to you from other sites? Google Analytics puts an overview of this information on their…

Backup, Backup, Backup. Did I Mention That You Should Backup?

I’m still kicking myself over a big mistake I made recently. A few months ago, I made some major changes to The Site of Requirement, my Harry Potter analysis and news site. I installed a copy of WordPress, moved all of the content into…

Do You Have a Tagline?

A tagline is a short line of text that runs underneath your site’s name. It says something about your site, and adds to the first impression. In my opinion, the best taglines are both humorous and descriptive. (Of course, humor may not be appropriate…

An Interesting Idea: 125×125 Ad + RSS Icon

I just thought of an interesting idea. The standard RSS icon is available in a 128×128 pixel size. Using Photoshop, you could reduce it to 125×125 easily, and add a legend to it. Put the name of your blog, or something describing your blog…

What’s Your Blogging Workstation?

Do you prefer to blog with a desktop, or a laptop? Are you a Mac or a PC? What software do you just have to have to get your blogging done? What’s your preferred browser? Everyone has a unique setup that they use for…

The Advantage of Web Applications

Web applications, or web apps, have, in my opinion, one huge advantage over “normal” programs. I’m sure you can guess what it is before you finish reading this. I just got a new Apple MacBook, as I’ve Twittered about, told everyone I know on…