Category Archives: WordPress

Managing Widgets in WordPress 2.8

The new widget management in WordPress 2.8 is greatly improved. You can drag widgets from the available widgets area to any widgetized sidebar, and edit the settings with a click of the little arrow. There’s no more annoying “Save” button for you to have to remember to click either.

The only problem? As soon as you drop a widget into a sidebar, it appears on your blog. That means one or two visitors might see an unconfigured widget before you have a chance to edit and save the settings. (This was brought to my attention recently by WP Weekly.)

Luckily, there’s a workaround…

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“Woo2″ Launches, WooThemes Moving Toward GPL-Compliancy

WooThemes just launched their second iteration, bringing with it several changes, including a website redesign and GPL compliancy on all themes moving forward. The themes still cost money, but there are no longer any restrictions on how many times you can use the theme…

Detect a Visitor’s Browser in WordPress

WP Recipes has a neat WordPress trick. Apparently WordPress has a few variables ($is_gecko, $is_IE, etc) that are set to either true or false depending on which browser a visitor is running. Coupled with the body_class hook, you can add a class of the…

An Easier Way to Handle Plugin Options in WordPress 2.8

Write forms, collect data from them, validate, then store. That’s the routine familiar to most plugin developers, and one that could always be easier. Why should you have to waste your time writing boring form handling functions when you could be working on one…

Poll: Are You Running WordPress 2.8?

WordPress 2.8 “Baker” was released on June 11th, bringing with it 790 bug fixes, some interface improvements, and several new features, many of which will be appreciated by plugin and theme developers. (Read the full announcement.) Have you upgraded yet? Note: If you’re reading…

Custom Taxonomies in WordPress 2.8

There has been a bit of talk about “custom taxonomies” in WordPress, which have been around since version 2.3, and how WordPress 2.8 will integrate them into the interface in some amazing, better-than-sliced-bread way. Many of the posts out there, unfortunately, never explained in…

WordPress MU to be Merged with WordPress Core

WordPress MU, the branch of WordPress that runs the popular “instant blog” site is being discontinued. Matt Mullenweg announced at WordCamp San Francisco that the multi-blog capabilities of WPMU would be merged with the main WordPress core, a la Movable Type. The two…

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

I recently started using the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin on Webmaster-Source. The plugin provides an easy way to format code snippets for display in posts, complete with colorization. When using SyntaxHighlighter Evolved, you don’t need to replace quotation marks with " or anything like that.…

WordPress Theme of the Month: Typebased

This month’s featured free WordPress theme is Typebased by WooThemes.

WordPress Hosting Monitor Plugin

The WordPress Hosting Monitor plugin, created by, that gathers useful data about the server your blog is hosted on, and spits it out in a convenient widget. If you only have access to your server via FTP you really won’t know all that…