5 Sites to Find Free PSD Resources for Your Web Designs

Looking for some high-quality PSD resources? Maybe your design skills are lacking and you need some professional-quality elements for the theme you’re making for your blog. Or maybe you need some social media icons. Or maybe you’re just don’t feel like reinventing the wheel again for that login form.

No matter your reason, anyone doing some web design can benefit from some freebie PSDs.


Envato’s Creattica site, which is primarily a design gallery slash place to hire freelancers, has a category for downloadable freebies. There’s some good stuff, from icons to textures to audio player skins.


PixelBeam is largely one guy making some cool graphics (though he seems open to contributions). Everything is free for commercial use, with a few “simple rules” to follow, namely that you link to PixelBeam if you’re sharing the resources and that you properly credit PixelBeam if you use them in a project you intend to sell somewhere like ThemeForest.

Premium Pixels

“Premium Pixels is a bunch of free design resources & tutorials created by Orman Clark. Don’t worry, shameless freeloading is encouraged, feel free to use and abuse at will.” Licensing is similar to PixelBeam. You can do pretty much anything you want with the PSDs, so long as you don’t redistribute them as-is. Attribution is requested for projects you intend to sell.



BittBox is a good source for textures, patterns and the occasional Photoshop brush. There are tutorials and the like now and then, too.

BlogBuzz August 6, 2011

Getting Your Feet Wet with PDO and Migrating Old MySQL Code

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