The PHP Forking Has Begun

I previously mentioned my wish for an overhauled, more object-oriented PHP, a desire shared by many developers who work with PHP on a regular basis.

Well, the long journey toward such a thing might have just started. Someone has forked PHP, making quite a few syntax and performance improvements, and posted it on GitHub. Some of the improvements include:

  • Faster strlen() performance
  • A str_random() function to generate a random string of a specified length, optionally using a selection of valid characters to use.
  • A timechop() function that splits a timestamp into an array containing the various units.
  • A strcut() function that truncates a string to a specified length and optionally appends a specified character (e.g. “…”).
  • Short array syntax. e.g. $arr = [1, 2, [5 => "foo", 3.14159], 9].

I would like to see more of this, and for such enhancements to be pulled into the official PHP repository. (Also, I would like to see hosting providers keep current instead of trying to pass-off ancient versions of PHP…)

WPTavern is Back: New Owner, Same Great Flavor

Back in May, the popular WordPress blog WPTavern (home of the WordPress Weekly podcast) was put up for sale by its owner. It was taking up too much of his time and “real life” was getting in the way. If you’re a reader of…

Lions and iClouds and iOS 5: WWDC 2011 Roundup

Too busy to watch the liveblogs of Apple’s big WWDC keynote? Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most noteworthy links. There’s a lot changing in iOS, and OS X Lion is just around the corner. Then there’s iCloud, the crazy service that…

BlogBuzz June 4, 2011

Smartphone Users: Where do You Surf the Web the Most?

Whether you have an iPhone, and Android device, an iPod Touch or a BlackBerry, where do you most use it to surf the mobile web? Where do you flick through Twitter, comment on Reddit, check emails or play Angry Birds? Do you use it…

Apple to Announce iCloud, iOS5 and OS X Lion on June 6

Apple put out a press release that they will be unveiling a large batch of “next generation software” on June 6th at the World Wide Developer Conference. This will include iOS 5, Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and something known as iCloud. CUPERTINO, California—May…

So I Finally Figured Out Why Everyone Likes Git Repositories so Much…

Until recently, I didn’t really use version control software all that much. I primarily used SVN for a few WordPress plugins, as WordPress maintains a free repository on their SVN server for each plugin a developer submits. While I found it interesting, I didn’t…

Design Spotlight: Pro Blog Design 2011

The industrious Michael Martin has once again redesigned Pro Blog Design, this time going for a more open (and less blue) look. The new design better incorporates promotion for Pliable Press and his custom design services, while still leaving room for third-party advertisers on…

The League of Moveable Type

Looking for some high-quality open source fonts, perhaps to use with @font-face? Look no further than The League of Moveable Type, an organization that curates a collection of professional typefaces licensed in a way that doesn’t inhibit your ability to use them on the…

BlogBuzz May 21, 2011