SubHeading Plugin for WordPress

Have you ever wished for an easy way to add a smaller secondary title, a subheading, under your blog posts’ main titles? That’s exactly what the SubHeading plugin does. It adds a subheading field to the Write screen in the WordPress Admin, and a template tag to put in your theme where you want them displayed.

Subheadings in WordPress

The plugin was developed by Steve of 36 Flavours. It’s fairly new, but it seems promising.

I like the idea of subheadings, and I’m sure plenty of you have been dying for an easy way to use them on your blogs, but personally I’m more of a fan of the ledes used on sites like Ars Technica. Little intro blurbs that are sort of like subheadings, but not quite.

A Lede on Ars Technica

  • Ross

    It's kind of surprising that there is not much plugin development for page excerpts. (see:… ) PJW Page Excerpt is not up to snuff for 2.8, for example. You can use custom fields fairly simply to accomplish this, but it would be a nice out of the box feature.

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  • Arvind


    I’m kinda new to WordPress, so please bear with me. I downloaded and manually installed and activated the subheading plugin. The subheading has even appeared for all posts. But the subheading does not appear in the actual website for the post. I do not understand what should be done. There is a picture below the post title. Is that causing the subheading to be in the background of the image???