Michael Martin of Pro Blog Design to Launch PliablePress

On May 10th, Michael Martin, the blogger and designer behind Pro Blog Design, will launch his latest business venture: PliablePress.

PliablePress is going to be a purveyor of quality WordPress themes, particularly ones that “aren’t simple little themes that you can turn out in a weekend.”

The themes will all be based upon the custom “Chameleon” framework. It offers some functionality along the lines of Thesis or the WooFramework, letting the end user make customizations without digging into the template files.

Even though all of our other themes use Chameleon as a groundwork, you can use it on its own as well.

On its own, Chameleon is an ultra-clean, professional looking site. You might find that it’s already everything you want in a web design

I’m looking forward to seeing what the PliablePress themes, and the framework itself, will be like. It should be interesting.

  • http://www.problogdesign.com/ Michael Martin

    Thank you Matt! I really appreciate you sharing this with your readers. It’s getting so close to the launch, I’m starting to get on edge with nerves about how it will all go!

    (Getting a great reaction from everyone so far though, seeing you and others talk about the launch already really does have me beaming, thank you!!)

    • http://www.webmaster-source.com Matt

      It’s easy material for a quick post, how could I pass it up? :D

      Anyway, good luck with the launch!

  • http://www.mikestechblog.com Mike

    Hello, I just found this site, but sadly its not up yet – But then its not May 10th yet.

    I will be back then!