Category Archives: Services and Tools URL Shortener to Close

Hey, remember the epic saga of announcing they were going to close, then deciding that they weren’t going to after all? The sequel has arrived! The shortener is shutting down now, though they’re handling it much better. You’ll be able to export your data, and the URLs will also be archived in the 301works project.

Also, the developer behind isn’t taking potshots at for being the default shortener for Twitter, like did, and went so far as to state in a comment on Mashable:

I’d like to emphasize that having as the default for Twitter is in no way part of the decision to shut down. As I said in the post, it’s a one man operation that has grown too big for me to maintain it.

That is what I call a professional attitude.

Google Buys reCAPTCHA

Google has acquired reCAPTCHA, the service that powers some of those squiggly-letter fields (or CAPTCHAs) you have to fill out before submitting a form. (This is usually done to hinder bots attempting to mass-submit the forms for purposes such as spamming.) The interesting part…

Pingdom Ranks URL Shorteners

Pingdom has tested the major URL shorteners for speed and stability, in the aftermath of the fiasco, with interesting yet unsurprising results. One thing that has surprised us a bit here at Pingdom is that we haven’t seen any real numbers on how… No, We’re Not Closing After All…

Remember all the hoopla about closing down their service? Well, they changed their mind. We have restored, and re-opened its website. We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the popular response, and the countless public and private appeals I have received to keep…

Poll: What Are Your Favorite URL Shorteners?

If you use Twitter, you probably use URL shortening services every day. If not, you probably still find a use for one now and then. You may shorten a long address down so you can read it over the phone (or in a podcast),… URL Shortening Service to Shut Down

Nambu Networks has announced that they will be shutting down their URL shortener. New links are no longer being created, and existing short URLs will cease to function on December 31, 2009. Regretfully, we here at Nambu have decided to shutdown, the…

PayPal Goes Down For 4.5 Hours, What Does This Mean For Business?

On August 3, PayPal had a major outage that brought their service offline for an extended period. The systems were down globally for an hour, and it took an additional three-and-a-half hours to bring everything back up to full capacity. What does a 4.5-hour…

StumpleUpon’s “” URL Shortener

URL shorteners have been popping up by the dozen lately, or so it seems. Already established sites have been racing to release their own services, and some publishers have even started snapping up short domains to aid the sharing of their posts while retaining…

Microsoft’s “Bing” Search Engine Isn’t So New After All…

Microsoft recently launched their new search engine “Bing,” in an attempt to compete in the arena that Google has pretty much already won. There was a bit of talk leading up to the relatively quiet launch, which promptly disappointed me.

Amazon S3 Pricing Explained

Amazon S3 is a service that allows you to host files of all kinds very cheaply. You can host images and podcast files to take the strain off the server that runs your website; you can hook into the API and use S3 to…