Category Archives: WordPress


OpenID has been starting to gain more traction lately, with more and more large companies (e.g. Yahoo, AOL, MySpace) starting to become OpenID providers. (Though irritatingly they don’t allow you to use another provider’s OpenID to log in to their services…) I still think the concept has some flaws, which probably can be rectified, but I don’t want to turn this into another opinion post.

WP-OpenID is a plugin that integrates OpenID into WordPress. Once installed, it opens up a couple uses for OpenID with your blog. Accounts can be linked to OpenIDs, and should you select the option, people will be able to enter an OpenID to leave a comment, rather than entering an email and name. I like the idea, since it makes commenting quicker and easier, but there’s one flaw. You enter the ID into the URL field in the comment form, so your name will link to your OpenID URL instead of your blog. The remedy is to delegate your OpenID.

“Super Switch” Plugin For WordPress

In recent versions of WordPress, some features were introduced that some people may find annoying. Some blogger’s have complained about WP nagging them to upgrade, via a yellow stripe along the top of admin screens. Other’s find the new theme preview box annoying. Still…

Want Traffic? Have PHP/Design Skills?

How would you like to gain a steady stream of quality traffic to your website? Traffic that won’t vanish in a few weeks. Traffic that will keep on coming for a long time. Write a WordPress Plugin, or if you lean more toward design…

WP Vote

Word of a new social media site has been slowly spreading through the blogosphere. WP Vote, based off the Pligg CMS, is a topical Digg-type site focusing on WordPress-related posts. I assume the site is fairly new, since I’m just now hearing about it,…

Scheduled Post Shift Plugin

Have you ever wished you could have your oldest posts continually pushed back to the top of the stack, in order to highlight old articles from your archives? It’s not something I would do myself, but apparently there are some who would. has…

WordPress 2.7 to Include “Uninstall” Hooks

When you deactivate and delete a plugin in WordPress, something generally stays behind. All the tables the plugin added to the database, and their respective rows, remain behind, unless the plugin developer thoughtfully included a function to wipe them before deactivating. This means, if…

Akismet: Not Very Intuitive

I think it’s safe to say you’ve heard of Akismet. Good old Akismet, by the makers of WordPress, is the de facto standard for blocking comment spam. It normally does an excellent job, though it misses a few spam comments here and there. I…

WordPress Theme of the Month: Night Transition

This month’s featured, and free, WordPress theme is Night Transition by Web Kreation.

Forget MyBlogLog, Here’s a Better Idea

I’m not the only one who thinks MyBlogLog is a waste of valuable template space. It clutters an otherwise (hopefully) clean design, makes pages take longer to load, and doesn’t really provide much value to the reader. Do you pay any attention to MyBlogLog…

When Should You Upgrade WordPress?

As soon as possible! When a new WordPress release, it normally fixes a plethora of bugs and security holes (WordPress 2.6 patches a round total of 196), in addition to adding useful new features. One of the biggest reasons people wait to upgrade is…