Design Spotlight:, the easiest way to grab a copy of the standard RSS icon, has recently received a redesign.

The light-on-dark design, like the old version, makes the orange feed icons stand out. The other colors don’t look bad either.

The design is made-up from two colors, mainly. Black and a dark gray. Three buttons to the right of the logo take you to the three parts of the site, “Get the Icon,” “Code Snippets,” and “Guidelines.” The prior incarnation of the site only had one page, where you could download a ZIP archive of all of the icon types. Now there are three options. You have the “Standard Icon” pack which contains 28×28 and 14×14 versions of the orange RSS icon. The “Colour Pack” contains 12×12 versions of various colors. My favorite, the “Developer Kit,” is the original option from the old site. It has everything. 12×12 to 128×128 variations in numerous colors and formats (including JPG, GIF, PNG, and PSD).

The new design is pretty good for a white-on-black layout (which normally is hard on the eyes), and the content has increased. Take a look, and download the Developer Pack if you haven’t already. It’s indispensable for bloggers.