Monthly Archives: November 2007
Nov 9, 2007 by Matt | Posted in General
Need a break from your design work? Tired of writing? Have some fun for a change! With these resources you can play for as little or as much time as you want.
- Desktop Tower Defence – Build a maze of towers to keep the “Creeps” from crossing the board. Use the various types of towers to zap them before they can reach the other side.
- Tactics Arena – Wouldn’t chess be more fun if the pieces had special abilities and health?
- LineRider – Draw a path and send a stick figure on a sled down it. With practice you can draw jumps and loops to make it a bit more interesting. Oddly addictive.
- StumbleUpon – Okay, this isn’t exactly a game. While SU is great for promoting your blog, doesn’t your time vanish when you start clicking that “Stumble” button?

- FunCopter – Try to fly a virtual helicopter using only your left mouse button. How long until you crash?
- Bloxorz – Move the block across the board into the slot. Sound easy? It’s not.
Nov 8
Contender #1 for the Worst Web Design Ever Award.
Nov 8
This month’s WordPress theme is Grid Focus.
Nov 7
Everyone’s been talking about WP Super Cache, the new WordPress plugin based off the old WP-Cache 2. By storing static copies of your posts for a predetermined amount of time (then refreshing them after they expire), it reduces server load by a huge margin,…
Nov 6
Satire, anyone? Comcast Filtering-For-Profit: A Three-Phase Plan to ‘Right-Size’ Consumer Bandwidth.
Nov 6
Tag Clouds Gallery: Examples and Good Practices @ Smashing Magazine.
Nov 6
A sideblog, or asides as they’re sometimes called, is a great addition to a blog. It allows you to post short mini-posts into a spot in your sidebar. Have you just hit the main page? Give your readers a heads up. Did you…
Nov 5
Dang, I’ve dropped to sixth place in the Blogger’s Choice Awards (for Best Blog About Blogging). How about helping me out and voting?
Nov 5
Google’s Page Rank Update Increases Profitability of Selling Text Links
Nov 5
WordPress can hold comments for approval before they appear on your blog. While this keeps spammers at bay, you want to use this feature as little as possible. Comments should generally appear on the blog immediately. Why? WordPress normally does not notify the commenter…