Monthly Archives: October 2007

BlogBuzz October 12, 2007

Save Your Blog Post Ideas!

Don’t you just hate it when you have a great idea for a blog post, but by the next day you’ve forgotten it? Don’t deny it, it happens. Just yesterday I had not one, but two great ideas for posts. Do I remember either…

Google Doesn’t Like Text-Link-Ads

There has been talk for the past few months that Google seems to be penalizing sites, rank-wise, that use Text-Link-Ads to sell paid links on their site. TLA is a great service, offering reasonable rates for paid links on your website, though Google doesn’t…

The Coolest Web Designs On The Planet

After soliciting submissions, haunting design galleries, and looking through my bookmarks, I have put together this collection of cool web designs. I may not have all of the coolest web designs on the plane Earth, but I’ve collected all the coolest ones on my…

WordPress 2.4

It’s coming. WordPress 2.4 will be released on December 12, and 2.5 in the following May. According to Blogging Pro, we will be seeing “some very visible changes to the WordPress administration panel.” What does that mean? Will the admin be redesigned? We could…

BlogRush Stats: Are They Improving…Or Are They Rigged?

BlogRush has put up a “temporary stats” system on their dashboard, as the normal one with all of the graphs is “currently unavailable.” It’s showing, for Webmaster-Source, the following: Credits Earned Today: 363 Credits Earned Last 7 Days: 1,957 Your Traffic Today: 363 Your…

BlogBuzz October 6, 2007

301 Redirection Plugin For WordPress

301 redirects are useful for numerous things. If you change a post slug is WordPress, then you can place a 301 redirect so anyone going to the old URL will be redirected to the new one. This had the added bonus of letting search…

Why Should You Start a Blog?

Do you know how to write? If you can write a few coherent paragraphs without misspelling 10%+ of the words, then yes, you can write. Have you considered starting a blog? If you have something interesting to say, then you’ve got the basis for…